Terms of Use - HIMODS

When you access https://himods.com, it means that you have accepted our terms and regulations. You need to review the details of the items below, if you do not accept, it means that you are not suitable to continue using the utilities HIMODS provides.

APK files

APK is the main content that users will download and use. All APKs are almost available on Google Play and comply with current policies. We do not change anything about the execution rights of the APK file as well as the rights that the developer has previously assigned. Therefore, HIMODS also wants to clarify this so that you can understand and complain about unwanted cases to the publisher instead of sending them to us.


To help users better understand the Game, Application, we have directly experienced and rewritten that process instead of summarizing it briefly on some other platforms. From there, users can easily choose what they want. All text and image content posted are accurate and objective for each article.

We strictly prohibit acts of profiteering based on our content. Any acts of copying and sharing for personal gain are opposed. When discovered, HIMODS will enforce its basic rights according to the legal regulations of each region.


The content posted on HIMODS.COM is compiled and created by us based on our experience with actual Games and Applications. Therefore, it can be said that it is an extremely serious and methodical investment. We ask everyone to respect that you have the right to share content widely. However, if you use our content to commit illegal acts or make illegal profits, you will be held responsible.

In addition, if you are the owner or developer of a Game or Application available on HIMODS and want to remove it from the website, please let us know so we can do it immediately. Or if you have content that you think is useful and want to share on HIMODS, please let us know. All of that is always welcome.


Currently, each region has different terms of Advertising for users. For example, in the United States or the European Union, there are different regulations. We always ensure that the advertisements distributed on HIMODS have terms that users must accept in order to continue accessing from the first time. The terms will be customized based on the user’s location and provide appropriate notices.

User Rights

Users are probably the most beneficial party, because you are always given priority when coming to us. Below are your rights when accessing.

  • Use the content for free
  • Share the content with friends and others
  • Give feedback, improve things that you think are not good
  • Follow our terms and policies

We have summarized the terms in the most concise and easy-to-understand way instead of trying to make it long and confusing. You only need to spend 2 minutes to know if it is suitable for you or not? HIMODS believes that these extremely reasonable and transparent regulations will help us develop faster and not be a barrier between users and the platform.

Finally, if you have any questions or there is something you do not understand, do not hesitate to contact us and share it with us!